Plean Signal Box Abolition

Larbert North and Plean Junction Signal Boxes were electro-mechanical installations that were situated on the Scottish Central Mainline.


First Engineering

Project Completed

Apr 2008

Project Overview

The scope of this project was the abolition of Plean Junction Signal Box and to introduce Track Circuit Block working between Larbert North and Stirling Middle Signal Boxes. All signalling equipment controlled from Plean Junction Signalbox were to be recovered. This included a crossover and turnout associated with the closed Caberboard Sidings.

Three aspect signalling was introduced between Larbert North and Stirling Middle to provide suitable headway for the required increase in line capacity. New track circuits (TI 21 type) were installed on this section of plain line. Control of the new arrangements was provided from Larbert North Signal Box.
The line capacity in this area was required to accommodate an increase in traffic.
To enable Service Braking Distances to meet between signals, it was necessary to introduce a 95/100 HST differential to the line speed, on both lines, between Stirling and Larbert.

The project included renewal works required within the Larbert North Signal Box area. This included lineside cable and location case renewals, and the introduction of medium voltage DC (AC immune) type track circuits to be replaced with all low voltage DC track circuits. Interlocking arrangements within the old relay room were renewed within the existing REB at Larbert Station.
Softech provided detailed design for GRIP stage 5 along with support for subsequent GRIP stages.

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