Skipton Carlisle

Improve journey time between Skipton and Carlisle by increasing the line speed to 75mph in specific sections.


Tata Steel

Project Completed

Jul 2011

Project Overview

To reduce the journey time between Skipton and Carlisle, study was required to identify the areas where it is not viable proposition to assess whether the signalling is capable of supporting a 75mph line speed.

The Purpose of this scheme was to improve journey time between Skipton and Carlisle by increasing the line speed to 75mph in specific sections of the line which excludes the “Station limits” area.

Detailed review of complete section was conducted by Softech to evaluate options on the basis of Signal Sighting and Signal Spacing assessments which were carried out for the complete section as a pre-feasibility study with the help of sketches.

Our Work: Case Studies

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This study was completed to assess how best to path down direction freight trains between the Midland Main Line and the proposed SRFI at Radlett.
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Richmond Platform 3
Enhanced rail signalling for Richmond Platform 3 under LOCIP ensures efficient 5-car operations. Softech's ensures optimal design solutions.
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